Our team consists of a board of directors, heart centered office staff, and amazing volunteers who help make a difference in our community and the lives of many.

Shara Nixon
President of the Board

Rebecca Smith
Executive Director

Alethea Linnitt
Kulwinder Saini

Parm Matharu

Bilal Cheema

Josephine Chuahan

Pash Brar

Drea Tirshman
Media & Marketing Administrator
Linda Szentes
Volunteer & Public Outreach Coordinator

Eunice Kim

Stephanie Lee
Administrative Assistant

Manisha Cheema
Grief Support, Registered Social Worker (RSW)

Sheela Veloo
Grief Support, Registered Social Worker (RSW)

Andrew Bexson
Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC),
Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling-Supervisor (MPCC-S)

Nicole Parekh
Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Canadian Art Therapist (RCAT)
Become a Member
Members of the Surrey Hospice Society are equivalent to shareholders of a private corporation in that they elect the Board of Directors of the Society from their midst and bestow on the Directors the responsibility for ensuring that the Society act in accordance with all legal requirements and in the best interests of the membership. The responsibility of the members is contained in the Society Act of BC.

Over the years, many have nurtured and contributed to the growth of the Surrey Hospice Society.
In the mid 1980’s, Dennis Boyd, a highly regarded and well-known psychologist, worked with volunteers to support Surrey residents facing an end-of-life experience. As the number of volunteers grew, Boyd encouraged them to form a society. With the seed for a hospice society firmly planted, Anneliese Lomer, Eileen Schmelzle, and Sharon Myhre traveled to Victoria to visit one of the British Columbia's first hospice societies. With this visit, the birth of the Surrey Hospice Society had truly begun.
In August 1986, Beryl Hamilton facilitated the volunteer group through a process that resulted in an application to the government in Victoria for Society status. The persons who signed this application, and became the first directors of the Surrey Hospice Society, were Anneliese Lomer, Sharon Myhre, Marilyn Hall, Ivy Hubbard, and Diane Sharpe.
These first signing directors then went about recruiting people from religious and community organizations to join them. At about the same time, a group of medical professionals were striving to establish a palliative care program at Surrey Memorial Hospital. These professionals were well aware of the importance of the volunteer component to a community-based integrated hospice palliative care team. Soon these two groups, both concerned with the support of those with suffering life-threatening illnesses and their families, came together to become the Society’s first board of directors.
With official status, the work had just begun. Throughout the 1980’s and the 1990’s, the Society had a working board of directors and much of the action plans were formed around the kitchen tables of the directors. Since then, the Society’s staff has grown to include an Executive Director, Volunteer Coordinator, Grief and Bereavement Counsellors, an Office Administrator and a Grant and Sponsorship Coordinator.
At the Society’s Annual General Meeting in 2000, it was recognized that a new chapter in the Society’s life was beginning. The members of the Society marked the occasion by bestowing Life Member status on the Society’s Founding Members.
As the Society has grown, many new programs have been developed and the number of trained volunteers has increased significantly. More importantly, the number of clients served by the Society has increased steadily as community awareness of the Society’s services has increased. In the year 2019, the Society’s staff and volunteers provided emotional, spiritual, and practical support for over 800 people facing the end-of-life, as well as support for their family members and friends. One-to-one and group bereavement support was provided to over 600 children, teens, and adults during the same period.
At Surrey Hospice Society, we believe that one of our key roles is to provide well-trained and well-supported companion volunteers for this journey. We invite you to become involved with us as we strive to meet our mission.

Surrey Hospice Society is located in the heart of Surrey.
The City of Surrey is one of 21 municipalities in Metro Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada. We are located on the Lower Mainland on the south side of the Fraser River and share a border with the United States of America.
Within Metro Vancouver, Surrey is the largest city in land area, and second most populous city with a population of more than 535,000. Our population speaks over 110 different languages, and every culture in the world is represented in this city.
As a large and geographically diverse city, Surrey is made up of six communities. Each one is focused around their own unique, distinct neighborhood and local focal points. Our communities are:
Cloverdale- Fleetwood- Guildford- Newton- South Surrey- Whalley